Some of the following packages contain an INF file, and some do not. The Best Mouse Cursors: Time To Tweak Your PCs Look In such cases, if you know how to change a mouse cursor/pointer, it is an excellent way to add novelty and freshness to the dull screen. At times, we may get bored with the look and feel of our computers. The hourglass image indicates that the user needs to wait for some time until his command is executed. Sometimes there is an hourglass image when the system launches a requested program, or a Web page is loading after the user has clicked on a link. All operating systems allow the user to choose different kinds of mouse cursors or pointer. Typically, a cursor is an arrow, and the text entry position cursor may be a simple blinking underscore or vertical bar. The user can control it with either a mouse or a touchpad. In any operating system that uses a graphical interface (GUI), the cursor is seen as a visible and moving pointer.